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Penis Lengthening Photos
Dr. Whitehead specializes in penis enlargement surgery, glanular enhancement, penile lengthening and penile widening. Click here for photos on penis enlargement surgery.
Before and After Gallery for

Penile Lengthening

We expect a greater length gain than noted immediatly after surgery in the flaccid and erect state after use of the stretching program. (**)

Patient 1
longer penis
longer penis

Length gain 1 Inch (**)

Immediate length gain of 1 inch due to release of suspensory ligament and insertion of Allograft dermal matrix graft (Alloderm®).

Patient 2
penis lengthening
penis lengthening

Length gain approximately 2 1/2 inches (**)

Immediate length gain of approximately 2 1/2 inches due to release of suspensory ligament and insertion of Allograft dermal matrix graft (Alloderm®). An ideal incision for penile lengthening if partial penoscrotal transposition and pubic hair are present.

Patient 3
Penis Enlargement
Penis Enlargement

Length gain 1 inch (**)

Immediate length gain of 1 inch due to release of suspensory ligament only.

For more information on Penis Enlargement Surgery click here.


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Disclaimer: The content, illustrations and references to penis lengthening and penile enlargement in this website are for informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.