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Penile Implants
Penis Enlargement Surgeon
Penile Prosthesis

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Approximately 30 million men in the United States are impotent. Implantation of a penile prosthesis is one of several treatment options. Other options include medications, intraurethral inserts (Muse), vacuum tumescence/constriction devices and self-injection of the erectile tissues with a medication that improves penile blood flow, such as Prostaglandin E-1 (Caverject). In the occasional patient, penile revascularization is appropriate. Sex therapy or psychotherapy is appropriate for patients with psychogenic impotence.

PENILE IMPLANT: an internal device that is permanent and makes the penis hard enough for penetration. There are several types with different features. With the currently available state-of-the-art implants, a success rate of almost 95% may be expected.

PENILE IMPLANT SURGERY: this requires the placement of two implants in the penis; one in the left erectile chamber and one in the right. The implants and the pump which fills the implants are totally concealed inside the body and give excellent cosmetic and functional results in most patients.

The success rate is from 80 to 90% in terms of patient and partner acceptance, and almost 95% in terms of patient satisfaction. The implants are FDA approved.

There are two categories of implants: - the non-inflatable rods which are bendable and can be manipulated to give an erection, and inflatable implants which contain fluid to give a more natural erection. This fluid is transferred within or to cylinders in the penis to give hardness.

While less than 5% of patients choose this form of treatment initially, the final choice of treatment is a penile implant in 10% of patients. In the U.S.A., approximately 14,000 implants are performed each year. Also review the Q & A on Impotence, the Association for Male Sexual Dysfunction page, How One Man Confronted and Conquered Impotence for further information


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